Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I think This guy's a Clown...

...and that is frightening.  Clowns are pawns of evil.
I know so because my cat has evidence that proves it. Clowns are really just giant spiders under all that whiteface.  They make my skin crawl. Whatever you do, avoid this guy.  He scares me. I see him in the mirror, sometimes, and I know he's watching me. If you visit his site, there's a good chance he'll catch you in his web, feed you little mind-control spiders and turn you into one of his minions.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Spider Sense

Has anyone ever told you that the average person swallows eight spiders per year. Are these "spiders" really spiders or are they a means of transporting a mind control drug? Some you who are reading this post might be saying that this statistic is just an urban legend. Well I beg to differ. The reason is that I believe that these "spiders" are created in government sponsared labs all across the globe. Than when these little critters are ready with the mind control drugs they are released into the wild.

How do they know to crawl into the mouths of sleeping people? They are programed to do so. The reason that spiders were chosen was because natural spiders were the best model that the scientists could think of at the time. Those who aren't afraid of spiders are immune to this form of mind control.

You've been warned...

I was just contacted by a source who told me that the spiders who caried the mind control drug was just one type of these things that is out there and in use. Another type that is being used by governments is a tracer program. From what I understand once the spiders die and are absorbed into a persons system the government is able to trace that person remotely. You might be wondering, just as I was when I first heard this, how the governments are able to do this. First, as for the legality of tracing citizens, the official story is that they aren't. Second, the technical aspect of how they are able to trace people is that the spiders have some sort of chemical that is traceable and is what the goverment is really tracing. The chemical wares off about every six and a half weeks that's why there is a need for the eight spiders per person every year average.